понедельник, 19 марта 2012 г.

Cheap Camel cigarettes.

Camel is a well known brand of long-lived, his story began in 1913. With the growing popularity of cigarettes RJ Reynolds tobacco company (which produces pipe tobacco that time) decided to manufacture a specific product. Initially, RJ Reynolds does not own the brand Camel - the brand was little known and has been called the "Red Camel". But one day it changed ownership, the name was also changed to simply "Camel".

пятница, 16 марта 2012 г.

Camel № 9 cigarettes.

Next time, RJ Reynolds Tobacco asks smokers to walk a mile Camel, watch how many of them are in high heels. Camel № 9 cigarettes come in a package that is hot pink fuchsia and mint, green, teal, with the slogan "Light and luscious."

 Reynolds, wanting to increase sales of its fast-growing Camel brand among women, is a variety aimed at female smokers. The new version, Camel № 9, has a name that invokes feminine fragrance like Chanel № 19, as well as songs about romance, "Love Potion number 9."

But do not look for Joe Camel to join Old Joe Camel Camel packages, displays or posters. Rather, Camel № 9 signals intended purchasers subtle signals, as well as its color, bright-pink fuchsia and mint, green, teal, its slogan "Light and luscious" and the flowers that surround the packs in magazine ads.

Camel cigarette promotion.

Winston-Salem (MCT) - RJ Reynolds Tobacco company launched another marketing campaign for cigarettes Camel, this time with the iconic mascot of nine fashion trends visit the U.S. before coming home, Winston-Salem.

As expected, the campaign has attracted the wrath of the campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, which in the past accused Reynolds trying to appeal to young people in their advertising, as well as health workers in at least one of the cities.

The campaign has also been criticized for the use of well-known images of the 10 areas for Camel logo.